Bringing value with software

At Tres Factorial we would like to back our customers and their needs and projects. We think that our clients's cooperation is important in the development cycle; so we can face and solve the business' goals and challenges.

Our Software Development Services

Web Application Development

Our applications focus on the challenge’s core, that is why we can deliver results: increasing earnings, improve business processes, time reduction or new customers attraction.

Mobile App Development

Rigorous execution, creativity and constant learning are the basis of our professional activity; that entails an experience which allows our team to develope powerful and suitable mobile applications.

Technical Knowledge

Guaranteed Quality

Your High Quality software can be achieved by the experience and skills of our QA team.

Know-how, skills and abilities

High-quality software is achieved by the experience and ability of our quality assurance team.

Modern Methodologies

The newest and more efficient trends and methodologies are used by or tech & and design team.

Let's talk about your project

We will be happy to support you in the development of your project


All projects should commence answering these three questions:

  • 1. WHAT? What is which you want to obtain at the end of the development process?
  • 2. WHY? Why do you need this result? Which business’s goals do you cover/resolve with this outcome?
  • 3. HOW? Now that you know what would you like and which goal you are going to reach, how do you plan to do it? Which implementation’s options do you have? These questions, once answered, we shall give us the idea behind the application and allow us to organise the requirements. Then we shall be able to disicuss your ideas: contact us as soon as you can.
The Business Analyst formulate questions and clearly stipulate the answers about the business’s solution: he understands the process, the needs and the future forecast from the client. This allow us to identify the software’s core, to understand the risks and control them so we can find the best possible solution. That is why all software development have to begin with a Business Analysis.
We begin our processes by signing a NDA. Before any conversation we have to protect your ideas and concepts. We are very serious in this point.
We have determined the requirement that the client be in touch permanently with us, involved in the development process: so that he an be aware and can give us feedback. Then we use advanced methodologies which organise these inner requirements: Kanban and Scrum.
Tres Factorial’s philosophy states that we want to establish long-term bonds with our clients. When there is not active developments we begin a support stage, which includes training and solving questions.


Succesful Development Projects


Years on the Market


Customer Satisfaction Rate

Let us begin with a free Study and an Estimate

Tell us about your project